Humans of Butler and GoFundMe

So this is a bit of self-publicising…

I was recently featured in Humans of Butler, a student run collection of stories and pictures from the Butler University community.

Here is the link. I’m glad that this happened because the little interview brings more visibility to trans people, and the more visibility the harder it is to say we don’t deserve rights. So this is awesome.

Not to mention that it is kinda nice to see myself all interviewed like that.

With that out of the way, I want to talk about my GoFundMe. Transition is expensive. It requires doctors visits, therapy, and can include really expensive medical procedures. For myself, I do not consider it an option to keep my penis. I get extreme dysphoric feelings in relation to my genitals, and sometimes they are debilitating, in fact I would say the closest I’ve come to being depressed is the genital related gender dysphoria.

So I plan on getting Genital Reconstruction Surgery(GRS/SRS). Genital Reconstruction Surgery is a procedure that seeks to  reconstruct the penis into a functional vagina. The surgery itself freaks out several people I know because it is a fundamental restructuring of a very intimate body part. (If any of you are interested, I can share some videos in another post.)

This is something I want really badly, but it is expensive. The surgery usually costs around $20,000 and that doesn’t include hotel costs and travel expenses, plus what one needs for aftercare.

This is where you come in! I have a GoFundMe account where you can share your good fortune with me and donate to my transition. Your money will be used only for things related directly to obtaining the Genital Reconstruction Surgery. I am so thankful several folks have been generous enough to help out already, and I am confident that the momentum will only continue to grow. Every contribution gets me closer to my goal, and I am so thankful for gifts of every size.

I appreciate your continued reading and to those who contribute, thank you in advance!

Here is the Link to the GoFundMe!

Remember, Create!

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